
Thursday 3 June 2021

Why I left my golf club after 10 years of loyal membership

This is possibly the hardest article I have had to write. I didn’t want it to become a winge-fest, more to get my point across whilst also making suggestions for improvement As such this article has been bouncing around my desktop for a couple of weeks, re-written multiple times and tweaked beyond its life. Here is my final edit. Whilst there is not one primary reason why I came to this decision, there are multiple factors which have contributed to my decision to leave my golf club after 10 years. 1. In the days of equality, when I pay the same amount as my male counterparts for membership, I would expect to have equal access to the course too. Far too many times, as a working female, have I not been able to play until late on a Saturday or Sunday, and sometimes both due to other competitions, usually mens, being played. With an ageing membership, non-working males could be actively encouraged to play mid-week in an alternate day instead of having a medal for all on a Saturday. Keeping the competitions on a Saturday for all male members not only restricts access for the working males who don’t want to play in the competition, but it also further restricts the access to the course for the working female, who has no choice. The demise of the 5-day membership has in effect, reduced the access to the course for working membership - whether male or female. In the ladies section, their medal day was Tuesday - great if you don’t work, so they offered an alternate day at the weekend. However, when scheduling the weekend alternate dates in advance, they were often fitted in and around the mens competition dates, so could be any time during a Saturday or Sunday. The women just had to flex - if they wanted to play! With fewer working women being accommodated the pond is often too small to fish in. Family, working full time, reduced access to the golf course and a small pond to fish in, is one reason why I didn’t rejoin the club this year If working people are the next generation of golf club member, then they should be accommodated, equally. 2. Board competitions need to be managed by one person, or a selected group of people - who have knowledge. Due to inconsistencies, poorly and badly communicated decisions during what can only be described as a weird year, lead to my opponent and I withdrawing from a prestigious board competition. Finals day has traditionally been seen as a day to strive for, a day when one qualifies after a series of knock-out competitions throughout the year. Clearly Covid did change some things. My semi-finals opponent and I were told we had qualified to finals as one member had taken a holiday, during a pandemic, and therefore had to self isolate upon his return. The rendered him unable to make finals day. This decision was reversed 3 days later. It seems he had lobbied the Mens Captain who changed the rules of this competition. Other ill thought through snap decisions did little to appease the situation and left a lot of unhappy members. My advice; it is paramount that committees have knowledge and/or authority to make decisions. No communication should be entered into until a final and fair decision was made which should then be communicated professionally. 3. Whilst golf clubs were patting themselves on the back, clearly delighted with the uptake of golf during a pandemic, the warning signs should have been noted too. I’m not saying the bubble has burst, but now golf clubs have to work to retain their membership. The membership is the main stay of income, the bread and butter for most golf clubs, far more cost productive than the odd green fee from transient players or the odd society. Members are loyal, and importantly they are the eyes, ears and voice of the club too. 10 minute intervals and three-balls were adopted at the start of the pandemic. This then became 8 minute tee time intervals and 4 balls, despite still being in the thick of a crisis. The club allocated blank tee-slots to the secretary on a daily basis. When I asked what this was for, I was told that it was for any golfers who might want to play - who aren’t members. Often the slot was not filled. So whilst the members were setting alarms to try and get the tee time they wanted, the prime time of mid-morning was invariably already allocated and not bookable. The booking in advance system was adopted by the membership, yet these tee-times were taken out in advance, so there was no chance the members could book them. To cap it all, societies were allowed to play during peak times too, including weekends. Whilst I fully appreciate that revenue was drastically reduced, these actions are not, in my opinion, putting members first. The lust for the odd green fee was compromised at the expense of the member - the loyal member who offered a steady stream of regular income. In summary, I felt as though the golf club did not appreciate my membership or my contribution as a member, despite being there for 10 years. My gripe for inequality has been a long standing argument. But the demonstration of other factors empowered me to make the final decision, a decision that was right for me. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but one I am now happy I made I did not renew my membership after 10 years of loyalty. The abridged version of this article was published in Golf Monthly Instagram / You Tube : Travelling Lady Golfer Twitter / Facebook : Golf Guru Group LinkedIn : Sarah Forrest Blog : Email :


  1. You are amazing Sarah I love the fact you stood up and said something when most would stay quite truly love this Sarah

  2. That's really spot on Sarah - I am happy my club acts in another way.

    Good and brave, that you wrote down what a lot of other golfers think!

    Well done 👍

  3. Thanks so much. I appreciate your kind comments and support. It really wasn't an easy article to write, as I didn't want it to become a golf club 'bashing', more to help golf clubs understand, to give them direction. And also to help golfers know they are not alone. I voted with my feet.

  4. Well said Sarah you are so right Golf Clubs need to appreciate the members that they have and look after them, as without the members there would not be a golf club.

    It's the revenue from the membership that keeps the golf club going throughout the winter when visitors are low.

  5. Absolutely, members are the bread and butter for golf clubs, the steady and reliable income stream. The odd society or golfer isn't the loyal customers I think golf clubs need to not only survive but thrive.

  6. Thanks! This is so helpful! I've been looking for good ideas.

  7. Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks. Good golf etiquette

  8. Cool stuff you have got and you keep update all of us. What are golf yips?
