
Saturday 15 January 2022

Q for Quotes

Nice easy one today.
⛳ When I started in the golf industry it was brilliant. My business focus was new and I was making waves, people were starting to get on board with my ideas and it was a huge success. The business was growing and I needed help, so I enlisted a third party to help me with overseas bookings, and to cut a long story short, they went bust - with some of my money. They say friendships shouldn’t mix with business and I guess now, with the benefit of hindsight, that was true in this case. 😧It wasn’t easy, permanent headache, sleepless nights, the odd tear and not much in the way of positivity for the industry. We had even decided that if we didn’t get our money back, we would refund our clients out of our own pockets. Such is our business ethics. Fortunately, it didn’t come to that, but this series of events was the catalyst. Reading an article one day, it read:
‘If you’re not excited by the future, make a new one’
🤔That was it, there was my answer. So we evaluated and made a fundamental change to our lives. We closed the tour operating business and focussed on the things I enjoyed doing: media and marketing. I still enjoy these things today and have had the good fortune to write for a number of big named magazines, blogs and e-zines. This change wasn’t easy, but when you want something badly enough, it often isn’t. 😃 I’m happier, more fulfilled and have a lot to look forward to. ⁉️ What is your favourite quote or one that inspired you to do something? Follow TLG.golfplus on Instagram Subscribe to Travellingladygolfer on You Tube

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