Monday 1 March 2021

My Marathon in Golf

Remember this?
I completed one article a day for 26 consecutive days. A marathon in golf writing and promotions, you might say! The reason for taking on this self imposed challenge was to help golfers remain buoyant and give them something positive to think about. When the world returns to some semblance of normality, this will still be here to help golfers think and plan. I purposely didn’t want all bucket list courses, just a variety of genuine good courses to visit and play. I wanted to give England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales an even (as possible) split too. With my desire to appeal to all golfers; old, new, young, old, male, female and families. The truth is, there is no point squirrelling knowledge when others can benefit from it! Favouring to focus on golf courses I had played. I did need help for 4 of the courses featured. Thank you Kevin Markham, Neil W and Phil Millington for plugging three of the gaps! Also thank you to Kevin Markham and Kevin Murray for allowing me to use their excellent golf photography for some of the features. What I didn’t expect was for it to take so long to do the daily research. To dig through copious notes and do an awful lot of tapping into my memory banks. Then of course get the articles written up, images sourced and posted across various platforms. Thanks to the golf clubs, despite being in lockdown, who answered my various questions and requests. An annoying lightbulb moment at some ungodly hour of 4am was something else. For this campaign, I decided to act out each letter in semaphore. It then became apparent, that whilst I thought it was a great idea, a lot of people didn’t have a clue. They just thought I was doing some poor version of YMCA, by trying to replicate the shape of the letter. When I got to letter S, I told people what I was doing and the penny dropped. I made the commitment and was delighted by the level of engagement across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. My blog also hosts the full write up and suite of images which has now tipped 28K. All social media platforms produced a good ROI, with Instagram being the most interactive. Probably as it is pitching to the audience who is most likely to be interested in visiting more golf locations. But in all, the campaign across all platforms has been well received. Other golfers praising me for the foresight and tenacity to ensure its success through its unique delivery. My business ethos has always been about working with people, striking up friendship and helping them where I can. My social channels follow this ethos, so I am grateful for the interactions I have received. Whether it was guessing the letter of the day or commenting and liking the posts. I’m delighted to have such good strong golf and business relationships. People who genuinely want to see and hear about golf and lifestyle. As presented in my unique eye popping way. This semaphore for today is not a letter more its meaning as ‘end' - or ‘end of word', as it signifies the end of this campaign. I like showing golfers and their families where they can go to play golf, or visit for their next holiday. To this end, I am looking for destination partners as well as sponsors. Brands who enjoy out of the box thinking when it comes to promotions. Brands who want innovative fun campaigns promoting golf and lifestyle to those who want to see it. More innovative and imaginative content to come, don’t forget to follow me: Instagram sarah_thetravellingladygofler Twitter and facebook @golfgurugroup LinkedIn @Sarah Forrest Blog Website And my fledgling You Tube channel Full statistics for this campaign available on request. Email :

1 comment:

aslan96 said...

I wanted to completely discover why Honma clubs are held in such high esteem and why it took a while to seek out any information about how they create their equipment. I started at their main centre of operations, a factory based in Sakata (in northern Japan, just north of Shonai airport).
honma 4 star clubs